What are microgreens?

Microgreens are baby versions of full-grown vegetables. Although they are small, microgreens have delicate textures and distinctive flavors. They also contain greater amounts of nutrients than their mature counterparts. While their nutrient contents vary slightly, most varieties tend to be rich in potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, and antioxidants. Because microgreens are so dense in nutrition, one can eat a smaller amount and get the same benefits as eating larger quantities of mature, tougher to digest, vegetables.

How do i eat microgreens?

You can eat micros in salads used alone or mixed with mature greens, on top of toasts or in sandwiches, blended into smoothies and pressed for juice, even in cocktails and desserts! For recipes and inspiration, check out our Instagram page @Sproutorganicfarms or sproutorganicfarms.com/recipes.

Aren’t microgreens just garnishes?

Micros are most commonly used as garnishes, but they can also be the mainstay of any meal! For recipes and inspiration, check out our Instagram page @Sproutorganicfarms or sproutorganicfarms.com/recipes.

Where can i buy microgreens?

You can buy our micros for retail subscription by clicking the link to our direct online site: Sprout Store, through WhatsGood for retail home delivery, or by contacting us directly for large, wholesale orders.

info@sproutorganicfarms.com / Call/Text: 401.680.6565

How do i store microgreens?

Microgreens should be refrigerated just like any other perishable produce item. We package our greens with moisture absorbers to help maintain the freshness of the product. We do although recommend adding in a sheet or two of paper towel lining the clamshell if your product is being held for longer than a week to help further prolong the shelf life.

When do my microgreens expire?

Most of our microgreens stay fresh for well over a week (follow storage suggestions listed above to maximize freshness) but micros, like all leafy greens, lose nutrient potency the longer they’re left uneaten. We recommend eating them within 3-4 days for full health benefits.

Are micros healthier than full size leafy greens? 

Yes! For more information about the nutritional benefits of microgreens, check out sproutorganicfarms.com/healthbenefits

Can pregnant women eat microgreens?

Yes! It’s sprouts (mung bean, alfalfa, etc.), not microgreens, that pregnant women should avoid. Unlike sprouts, microgreens are grown in soil - not water - so they are more than safe for expecting women. It’s just like eating their more mature counterparts.

Why are microgreens so expensive?

Microgreens are naturally priced higher than full sized leafy greens because they are super labor intensive to grow. Our company also takes extra care to provide a superb organic product.

What’s the difference between sprouts and microgreens? 

Sprouts germinate in water, while microgreens are grown in soil. Furthermore, sprouts are harvested within 4-6 days because their stage is only just when the seeds have popped. Microgreens on the other hand take much longer to grow, being ready for harvest as early as 1 week but can take up to even 3, almost 4 for special varieties. For more information, check out this article

If there’s such a big difference between sprouts and microgreens, why is your microgreen company named Sprout?